Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Oldies, but goodies

I actually did these pages well before we ever went on vacation, but never got around to posting them. The first is just a cute picture of Kate around 4 months old. I loved that little purple sweatsuit of hers! So cute and soft! The second page is just a glimpse of what daily life around here looks like. It's always good to utilize the skills of one child to balance the stresses of the other child :)

On a sort of related note, I've decided that I'm not going to scrapbook anything from 2008. Why? Because I'm an entire year behind and it's starting to feel more like a chore rather than something that I truly enjoy doing. Instead, I'm going to make a book online for the entire year, and then start back to scrapping with the start of '09 instead. This way the stories will be fresh in my head, and I can scrap what I feel like rather than being so overwhelmed! Once I get the book done, I'll scan it in so that you can still see that too!