Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I'm seriously stuck. I know that I want to do something about the walls in the kids' toy room and the bar area (where they currently hang ALL of their art work), but I'm not sure what. I saw these HUGE cork boards at Michaels yesterday for $19.99 - and when I say huge I'm talking 3 feet by 4 feet. It doesn't seem like a lot, but it's taller than either one of my kids. And then I could snaz it up some how... yet to be determined. Of course, I didn't buy then while I was there, and I want to go back and get them until I make up my mind, but the kids are napping right now. I secretly want to wake them up to go to Michaels, but I can count at least 10 ways that it will backfire on me big time. Not a good idea.

Instead, I'm sitting here googling ways that I can decorate the walls in the toy room and figure out some new way to display all of their art work.

I found this which could be cute, but I need it to hold more art work that that! I'd definitely make something myself, so I could make it bigger, but it has to be gender-neutral, but still cute.

Then I found this other super-cool (and cheap) idea to put some of my favorite pictures on canvas, which happens to be on sale at AC Moore this week... I saw it there today while I was looking for something else. (And I wonder why I get nothing done while the kids are at school!)

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